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Hay Inc Code of Conduct Policy


At Hay Inc, you are expected to:

perform your duties to the best of your ability and be accountable for your actions

follow reasonable instructions given by a supervisor

Be respectful of volunteers’ time by attending all modules and being on time

be courteous and responsive in dealing with Instructors, volunteers, students and members of the public

be mindful of your duty to the safety of yourself and others and

be aware that your conduct has the potential to damage the reputation of Hay Inc, even if it is in a private capacity. Be mindful that this also includes when using social media.

not attend Hay Inc work activities under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs or non-prescribed and/or restricted substances

not endanger your own safety or the safety of any other person in the workplace by consuming alcohol, illegal drugs or non-prescribed and/or restricted substances

notify your supervisor if you are aware that your work performance or conduct could be adversely affected as a result of the effect of a prescribed drug

Obey the law eg underage drinking and drink driving

Follow site directions and any rules that the Station Manager prescribes when staying overnight on rural properties. Adhere to and respect all Covid Safe guidelines and principles.

Code of conduct declaration

(participant), have read, understand and agree to abide by the Code of Conduct of Hay Inc and I understand that such adherence is a condition of my participation at Hay Inc. I understand that a violation of the Code of Conduct may be grounds for cancelling my participation without refund.

Signed this _____________________ day of ____________________, 20_____.


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